Richard Toutounji


This week on Episode 3 of Industry Change Richard interviews Gary Ng, the CVO of EWeb Marketing in Sydney about what’s next in business. Gary Ng has been in the Digital Marketing business for 18 years and has built his company to a point where he doesn’t have a day to day role in the running of the company. Instead, he pursues his passion for socialpreneurship & other enterprises.

Richard talks to Gary about how he gradually stepped away from the day to day running of the business and how he conquered the fear of handing over those responsibilities to somebody else. Gary spends most of his time now as the Chief Visionary Officer, building a strong company culture around his life message of success, happiness and fun.

They explore the concept of building a life vision around your passion, rather than just your business and how to pursue that passion beyond just what you do in your business life.

Click on the video to watch the full episode as they chat about the exciting time that we’re heading into in the technology space and how that will effect businesses moving forward.

Thanks for watching Episode 3 of Industry Change with Richard Toutounji. For more great episodes, be sure to subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts or YouTube as well as like and share on Social Media.