Richard Toutounji


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Video Transcription

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Welcome back to Quick Wins with COM. I’m Richard Toutounji. I’m the CEO of Complete Online Marketing, also known as COM. We really help traditional businesses win in the new age of online marketing, teaching the strategies and advice to get them winning in this space.

Today’s session is all about making a decision. Making a decision. You see, without decisions made, it means that you haven’t made a decision. It means that you’ve made the decision not to make the decision. You’ve made the decision to live in a misery of not making decisions. When you know a decision needs to be made and you don’t make the decision, somethings going to happen from not making the decision.

I heard a great speaker on a podcast called Mel Robbins and she has a action called the five second rule. In five seconds, it means, make decision within the five second rule, because within the five seconds we always have that mind that goes, “Boom, that’s what I’m going to do.” Then straightaway, the other part of our mind goes, “Hey, too much risk. It won’t work.” Million things that come through our mind. That fear comes through our mind and that’s normal because the mind wants to protect from risk, from things that we’re not too sure about, so it automatically closes that down and says, “Hey, let’s put that to the back. Let’s not make the decision on that.”

But if you think it’s a great concept or great idea or great movement that you need to do, you’ve got to make that decision. Get it done and make the decision within five seconds. That’s just one theory that I really love the concept of that.

It also means, when you’re making that decision, sort of be three steps ahead, so when you know it’s a good decision, just quickly think three steps ahead. If I make this decision, what’s going to happen in three steps ahead, so you just feel more comfortable that you have made the right decision. You see, as you’re going through life, nobody really has the answers. Nobody really knows what’s going up because we’re living in the present and the present is now and the future we’re not sure about. Nobody knows if that decision’s going to be wrong or right.

You see, if you make decisions fast enough, if you get in that habit, it also means that if that decision goes down the path that you didn’t want it to go down, it’s okay, because your mind is in a way that you do make decisions fast enough to re-get back up and to change the road slightly with the other alternative decision.

When you don’t make a decision, what’s happens eventually? Non-decisions keep piling up and piling up and piling up and piling up and piling up and eventually what happens? They all come crumbling down. If you know that you need to make a decision, get to it straightaway. Start the making the decision skills and you could start in the smallest of ways. The smallest of ways to start a really quick decision is like, “What am I going to wear?” Grab it straightaway. Take it. “What I am going to to drink? What am I going to eat? What pen am I going to use?” We already these small decisions, so start by making the small, a lot of small decisions. “Am I going to have a laptop? Get a computer? What am I going to drink?” These are the kind of these that are automatic.

As we start to avoid making decisions, decisions like, “What am I going to drink? What am I going to eat? What am I going to wear?” start to become harder because we’ve build up a multiple series of non-decision making. Then the easiest decisions become really hard to make. The decisions of, “What am I going to wear? What am I going to eat?” You see, start getting back in the decision zone. When you’re in the decision zone, you’re going to feel more confident. You’re going to have more clarity and most important you’re going to have more time to look back and say, “Hey, was that decision the right one?”

Some people say, “Ask for forgiveness, not for permission.” Get it done. Make the decision and move forward. I look forward to seeing you next week on Quick Wins with COM.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]