Richard Toutounji


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Tune into to this week’s Quick Wins With COM where Richard talks about a new theory, responsive vs. reactive.

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]This week I’m in New York City and I’m talking about a new theory I’ve been testing out. I call it the reactive versus responsive. It’s making sure that at a time like today where we are connected all the time, where everybody wants our attention and attention is everywhere, how do we stop being reactive? There’s lights, there’s cameras, there’s social media, there’s apps, there’s phone calls, there’s instant messaging.  If you continue to be reactive, what is going to happen to the business? What’s going to happen to choices that you make? If you consistently stay in that reactive mode, the right decisions, the right opportunities will not execute correctly.

Instead of just reacting straight away, just take a second, take a moment and be responsive with your answers. In a society like today, yes we need the quick answers, but what people are looking for are the right answers. People are looking for leadership. People are looking for business owners that can make sure that they’re delivering the best possible product and service to the marketplace.

So, next time that you’re on the phone or someone wants that quick answer, just stop for a second and say, “Am I being reactive in the situation? Or could I provide a much better response to this situation?”

That’s another episode of Quick Wins with COM, be sure to tune in next time.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Listen to the Quick Wins With COM podcast on iPhone.
