Richard Toutounji


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Tune into to this week’s Quick Wins With COM where Richard talks about how investing in yourself can help your business.

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Welcome to another episode of Quick Wins With COM, this week’s episode is all about investing in yourself. Once your invest in yourself, through education, through reflection, through taking time out, things really start to get easier in business.

I come across a lot of business owners who are just going through the grind, with such a stressful approach to business. But you have to start realising that you have to take that time out to invest in yourself. This could be the smallest of things; buying that new shirt that just feels good, investing in your mind and body, these small things will have results in your business. It will start to make business easier.

Try investing in yourself and see what happens.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Listen to the Quick Wins With COM podcast on iPhone.
