Richard Toutounji


Welcome to another episode of the Studio Success Secrets Show. We’re in Shellharbour in NSW today talking to Tracy Pendergast from Fitshape Health & Wellness. Tracy owns a fantastic womens only facility that has tripled in size in the last 2 years.


She had her own weight loss journey after having three kids and knew that she wanted to help other women who were feeling the same way as she was know that it’s possible to not just lose weight, but be comfortable in their skin again.

One of Tracy’s secrets is the variety of classes she provides. She has over 10 different fitness classes which keeps her clients engaged and coming back for more – it’s never a dull day at the studio with so many things going on and leads to clients staying for longer. 

And operating out of a stadium, means that she can use every bit of space available to her for her classes including the ramps & stairs (which her clients love by the way!). 

Tracy is also a lifelong learner, and loves to add new programs and techniques to her classes all the time – and her clients have learnt to love it when she goes away to learn something new and bring it back for them. In this way she’s always able to keep it fresh and new. 

Her marketing mix is varied as she loves to explore lots of different platforms. But in the last 2 years that she’s doubled down on her marketing she has spent no more than $1000 – all while tripling the size of her studio. She puts it down to putting in the work organically – being consistent with posting, having real conversations on social media and using her time to grow a following. 

Well done Tracy on building such a fantastic studio in the hearth of Shellharbour – you truly are amazing!