Richard Toutounji


We’re back in Bondi for this episode of Studio Success Secrets at Signature Fitness in Bondi Junction. Signature Fitness sits in the heart of Bondi Junction on a street surrounded by other gyms and studios. And yet people pay a premium to train at Signature Fitness. Maybe it’s because they guarantee their results?

Lenny Chad is the owner of SigFit (as the locals call it) and has been in the game for the past 12 years. Over that time he’s seen (and tried) a lot of different marketing. In fact 12 years ago he could put a simple ad out and have enquiries flooding in the door. These days it’s not as easy, but he’s definitely been able to find his groove when it comes to Facebook Ads.

But what makes signature fit so special? What makes people keep coming back? And what makes people get the results they do?

Well, just stepping into the space you realise there’s some serious training happening here. During the over 50 classes each week members work through their individualised programs together as a group with progressions and regressions provided, so they can have people at different levels training together.

This not only provides the guaranteed ‘signature body’ results, but also builds a strong culture. People come for the results, but they stay because of the strong bonds they form.

Throw weekly coaching calls and fortnightly body fat scans into the mix and you realise why they have produced so many signature bodies in Bondi.

When it comes to marketing, Lenny approaches it like he does training. It’s not just one thing, but a combination of doing everything right and with consistency that produces results.

He’s worked particularly hard on Facebook Ads the last year or so. His secret to nailing Facebook in such a competitive space is really connecting with your audience, understanding their pain before they do, and keeping it consistent.

If you’re in Bondi Junction, and you want some guaranteed results, definitely reach out Lenny at Signature Fitness.